Saturday, August 23, 2014


Here are is a fun activity for back-to-school...I have posted this before, but this time I have adapted it to be done with this year's program songs.


Fill a backpack with various school supplies.  Attach the saying to each one.  Have a child choose an item from the backpack and then sing the corresponding song.

Glue Stick Stick to the Savior’s example like glue.  If you do so, you will always 
choose the right.  
Song: "He Sent His Son" p. 37

Pencil -  The scriptures contain the written words of Prophets.  We can read them to
learn how to return to our Heavenly Father and Savior.
Song: Your song of choice about prophets.

Crayons - Priesthood ordinances and temple work "color" our lives... they bless us and
make it possible for our families to be together forever.  
Song:  Your song of choice.

Sharpener - Stay “sharp” and be in-tune. When you're baptized and confirmed, you 
become a member of the church & receive the Holy Ghost.  He will comfort and
guide you and help you know the truth.  
Song:  "Baptism" p. 100

Eraser - Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can repent and be forgiven of our
sins.  We can "erase" our mistakes! 
Song:  "I Stand All Amazed" p. 193 Hymn Book

Calculator - The best way to “calculate” how to return to Heavenly Father is to follow 
His plan.
Song:  "I Will Follow God's Plan" p. 164

Ruler - Parents and children have important responsibilities in families.  Children can show love to their parents by obeying them and keeping the "rules".
Song:  "The Family is of God" p. 28-29 of Sharing Time Outline
Scissors - “Cut” things from your life that aren’t pleasing to Heavenly Father.  
Participating in wholesome activities will strengthen you and your family.  
Song:  "Seek the Lord Early" p. 108


Anonymous said...

I love that you tied each item back to the gospel. I'm doing something similar to this, but I'm also adding a fun way to sing each song. Thanks!

Lia S said...

Great reading thhis